CAIRS 911          

E9-1-1 ALI Database

NG9-1-1 Core Services

Mass Notification

Empowering service providers and emergency contact centers with a robust set of tools for emergency communications support and management. Fully integrated with voice systems and network infrastructure to provide real-time updates and alerts. On premise or in the cloud.

Compliant with Title 47 1.A.9 (Kari’s Law, Ray Baum’s Act) and NENA i3 Standards

  • E9-1-1 ALI Database

    Automatic Location Information updates that are truly automatic. Enabling support for legacy PSAP ALI databases with NENA standard formats for ALI data exchange.

  • Location Information Server

    Native interfaces for Next Generation 9-1-1 location validation and conveyance through HTTP Enabled Location Delivery (HELD) and Location-to-Service Translation (LoST) protocol.

  • Emergency Alert Client

    Realtime onsite notification when monitored numbers such as 9-1-1 are dialed.

    Desktop Pop-up, Call, Text, Email, and MS Teams integration


VoIP Discovery

Support fixed, mobile, and remote enterprise communications services while maintaining accurate endpoint and user location information for 9-1-1 and inventory tracking.

Trusted by businesses and government agencies large and small to manage the most critical communications assets.

Interfaces for importing and mapping emergency response locations, feature layers, and endpoints.

GIS Integration

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